Uniform Policy

School Uniform

The School District of Philadelphia requires all students to wear uniforms to school. Students are expected to follow their school’s dress code so that their appearance does not cause a disturbance, distract or interfere with the instructional program, or constitute a health or safety hazard. A student’s clothing should fit appropriately and meet the guidelines indicated below.

All students are expected to adhere to their respective grade level school uniform policy. All students will be expected to wear blue khaki pants with any color shoes. It is expected that all students will arrive at the school in their appropriate uniform and will wear the uniform throughout the school day.

Kinder – 4th Grade will wear Navy Blue polo shirts

5th – 8th Grade will wear Red polo shirts

*Polo Shirts should have no other logo than William C. Bryant logo*

NO: hoodies, scarves, bandanas, jeans, open toe shoes, big hoop earrings. Students are subjected to a continuum of consequences for chronic out-of-uniform infractions.